Nerds can't be romantic? That's just a prejudice, of course. Or why else would we have gone to the trouble of creating a Candlestick lightsaber? Th...
View full detailsIn the Star Wars universe, Stormtroopers are often regarded as opponents who are not to be taken very seriously. Their armour is made of plastic, t...
View full detailsNot much can bring one of the Galactic Empire's feared AT-ATs to its knees. On the ice planet Hoth, the rebels managed to do this with a great deal...
View full detailsI am a Jedi like my father before me!This is the iconic quote from Luke Skywalker as he stands before the Emperor. With this, he not only professes...
View full detailsLike all villains, the dark side of the Force usually lures us in with empty promises. Who hasn't heard the famous quote from Darth Vader to Luke: ...
View full detailsThe weapons of the Jedi in the Star Wars universe exert a fascination of their own on us. With their colours and individual hilts, they can reveal ...
View full details"This weapon is your life!" - Obi-Wan Kenobi Who knows how the history of the entire galaxy would have changed if Obi-Wan had foreseen his Padawan...
View full detailsAfter the destruction of the Death Star at the latest, the X-Wing became the symbol of the Rebel Alliance. One can only imagine how upset those in ...
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